Sunday, December 23, 2012

What I have Learnt Today :)

What have I Learnt Today.. a big question to all of you.. read and answer from your side too..

“Happiness from Flowers,

Generosity from Trees,

Patience from Waves,

Liveliness from Birds,

Innocence from a Baby “

The lines show that nature provides us ample inspiration from itself but yet, it is the tireless human endeavour for a better future that I motivates me the most.

I usually go to office by shared auto-riskshaw as it is merely the distance of a kilometer from my home to office. These auto-drivers work very hard from early morning to late night to earn their livings and to make ends meet for their family. Seeing these people start their daily struggle for livelihood, my learnings for each day begins everyday.

But today as I had got ready early, I decided to go to office by foot. After walking few steps, I saw that construction site where all labors were already started with their work though it was still 7am. I really appreciated their dedication towards work. I also noticed a family among them in which the parents were helping their child get ready for the school. Both of the parents were in torn and untidy clothes but their child was looking like any other normal school child. The child was throwing tantrums for not going to school, but, to my surprise, they were constantly persuading him to go. I could see that even when the parents have worn the bad and untidy clothes still they want their children to be best dressed.

Even when the parents are living their life in darkness, barely managing their basic needs, still they want their children to see the brightest lights in life. They always want their children to have all those things which they can never dream of in their lifetime. And more importantly, they have a belief, a hope that their children too can succeed and rise in society through education. I recalled my childhood too. All those times when my parents supported, motivated me and made me work hard. Now it’s my time to prove myself and do something for them which will make them really happy. Hope I am able to live up to their expectations.

“Your parents, they give you your life, but then they try to give you their LIFE…!! ”- Chuck Palahniuk

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful :) :) :)
    Again... U saved the best part for the last... Great quote :D
